Enrollment & Lottery Policy
+ Enrollment Policy
In accordance with MN 124E.11, The Angela Day School for Liberation and Progressive Education’s enrollment process starts with an enrollment period. The enrollment period will be from September 15th through February 15th of each year. Notice of the enrollment period will be made public through postings at community centers, local places of worship, local small businesses, in local newsletters, and on the Facebook page of local neighborhood associations targeting the Harrison, Willard-Hay, Near North, Central and Phillips communities as well as the school’s website and social media pages.
The enrollment model for each grade will be approved by the Board of Directors prior to the start of the Open Enrollment Period. This enrollment model will accommodate slight over enrollment to account for likely student attrition.
+ Enrollment Preference
I. As required and allowed by MN 124E.11, The Angela Day School will offer preferential enrollment first to:
(1) siblings of students currently enrolled and to a foster child of the pupil’s Parents; and then to
(2) children of school employees
II. No preference will be given to children enrolled in the private pre-kindergarten program. Any parent who wants to enroll their child, who is enrolled in the private prekindergarten, must participate in the enrollment and lottery process.
III. The enrollment process may not limit eligibility for enrollment to specific characteristics of children whose enrollment application is received in a timely manner. No enrollment decisions may be based on intellectual ability, measures of achievement or aptitude, athletic ability or any other criteria that are inconsistent with MN 124E.11.
+ Kindergarten Enrollment
Prospective students entering kindergarten must be five years of age on or before September of the kindergarten year in order to enroll in kindergarten.
+ Enrollment Process
All prospective families must submit an enrollment application by the Open Enrollment Deadline of February 15th. If any spots remain open, applications will continue to be received and spots filled on a first received, first enrolled basis with preference given to applications received from siblings of currently enrolled students, the foster child of an enrolled pupil’s parent, and children of school employees. In the event post-deadline enrollment results in a full class and later enrollment applications are received, those applicants will be placed on a waiting list in the order in which the applications are received and in accordance with the enrollment preference policy.
+ Lottery Process
I. If more enrollment applications are submitted during the Open Enrollment Period than space exists for a particular grade or grades then a public lottery will be held to determine who will be enrolled.
II. The lottery will be conducted by a third-party contractor unrelated to the school, its board members, staff, or applicants.
III. The meeting will be announced one week in advance to provide adequate notice and will occur within five (5) business days after the end of the enrollment period.
IV. Any students whose names are not drawn during the lottery will be placed on a waitlist in the order their names are drawn.
V. Any enrollment applications received after the close of the enrollment period will be placed on the waitlist in the order the applications are received. Preference in the order of names placed on the waitlist will be given first to applicants with siblings currently enrolled in the school and the foster child of a pupil’s parent and second to children of school employees.
+ Fair Dismissal Process
Pursuant to MN Stat. 124E.11 (g) Once a student is enrolled in the school, the student is considered enrolled in the school until the student formally withdraws or is expelled under the Pupil Fair Dismissal Act outlined in MN Stat. 121A.40 - 121A.56.